This week's guest columnists are Aminah Phelps, MD, and Jacob Clement, MD, family practice residents at Ochsner University Hospital & Clinics.
Girls love pedicures, and some guys too! Feet don't get lots of pampering, so…
Last October, the first school year of the pandemic was underway. A video began circulating of a teacher's attempt to lead her class on Zoom. On most of the screens, the children were barely awake, one still actually in bed…
This week's guest columnist is Dr. Meighan Anderson, a Family Practice resident at the University Hospital and Clinics here in Lafayette. She's 10 years old. She has asthma and eczema, but hasn't seen her regular doctor in a year…
This week's guest columnist is Dr. Alicia Ortiz, a Family Practice resident at the University Hospital and Clinics here in Lafayette. Every case is different. Sometimes it's a puppy playing with a toddler, a lick-fest gone wrong…
Many doctors, including me, go "harumph" when parents bring their child to the Emergency Department with non-emergencies, like rashes or insect bites. Non-emergencies are what doctors' offices are for. However, often when I talk…
I was worried I had a brain tumor. That afternoon at work, I began having double vision. I could correct it by tilting my head, but as the day went on I was talking with parents with my head cocked over more and more. My Fourth…
This week's guest columnist is Dr. Seth Koster, a Family Practice resident at the University Hospital and Clinics here in Lafayette. Is your child "bouncing off the walls" or "just won't listen?" Pediatricians and family…
All doctors get dogged by patients and parents for missing diagnoses. I see it when a parent brings their child into the Emergency Department. The kid has had a cold and fever for a few days, and their regular doctor called it "…
Today's guest columnist is Dr. Adam Giddings, a second-year resident in Family Practice at the LSU-University Health Center program here in Lafayette. Seeing your child with a nosebleed can be a very traumatic image. While it may…
Every day families bring their kids into the Emergency Department with non-emergencies- runny noses, fevers, rashes, diarrhea. Many of those times mom is a little embarrassed, and says "I called my doctor and they were booked,…
No one ever accused modern medicine of being good at naming things. There are so many jokes out there that whole web sites are devoted to making fun of medical terminology (Example: Definition of Barium: What doctors do after…
Every day several families bring their kids in to the Emergency Department with non-emergencies- runny noses, rashes, diarrhea. Then many times the mom, perhaps sensing our impatience with the inappropriateness of that visit,…